Core strength is a key component of overall fitness. Strengthening your core can help you maintain good posture and prevent back pain, as well as improve performance in sports and other activities. If you're ready to take your workout to the next level, follow these tips for developing core strength:

Try exercise balls
If you're looking for a way to work your core without the use of weights, try exercise balls. Known as stability balls or Swiss balls, these inflatable spheres are used for balance and core strength exercises. The ball's instability makes it difficult for people to maintain their balance, forcing them to engage their core muscles in order to do so. Stability balls are often used in physical therapy settings and yoga studios because they force users into proper posture while building muscle tone at the same time.
Stability balls come in different sizes, ranging from small (about 6 inches), medium (8 inches) and large (9 inches). They can be purchased at most sporting goods stores or online retailers like Amazon and eBay for around $10-$20 USD per ball depending on size.
Try side planks.
The side plank is a great exercise for building core strength and stability. To do it, lie on your side with your back straight, head supported by your hand and elbow pointing up. Raise your upper body off the floor so that only one arm and foot are touching the ground with compressa knee sleeves. Your body should be in a diagonal line from shoulder to hip with your hips slightly higher than your shoulders. Hold this position for as long as you can keeping good form (no sagging or rolling) while breathing rhythmically through the nose (no heavy panting!). Rest before repeating on opposite side.
Try to work up to holding each side plank for approximately 1 minute at first, then increase over time until you are able to hold them for 2 minutes per side with good form; this will depend on how much time you have available when exercising as well as how strong you’ve gotten since starting out with these exercises!
Developing core strength is essential to many different sports and activities. It helps you do almost anything else, from running to swimming and playing a musical instrument. If you’re looking for a way to get fit and stay active, developing core strength may just be the way for you!
Perform core exercises on the floor.
To perform these exercises on the floor, you'll need a mat. Make sure that your back is flat and your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle.
Holding this position with proper form, hold for 30 seconds. Then rest for 30 seconds before repeating two to three times more.