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Sport Injuries Prevention: What to do


You're out on the field, you're feeling great, and then—CRACK! You've just twisted your ankle. What do you do? If you've ever been injured while playing sports, you likely know that there are so many factors that can contribute to an injury. But there are also ways to prevent them before they even happen. Here are some simple tips to help keep your body safe from injuries while playing sports:

Stay fit and healthy

The best way to prevent sports injuries is to stay fit and healthy. Make sure you exercise regularly, eat well and avoid alcohol and drugs.

  • Exercise regularly: It's important to keep your muscles strong so they can handle the stress of playing a sport. Try doing strength exercises at least 3 times a week, such as lifting weights or doing push-ups and sit-ups at home with no equipment needed!

  • Eat well: When playing sports it's important for your body to have enough energy for the activity you're doing; this is why eating healthy food such as fruits/vegetables will give you more energy than junk food like chips or sweets which contain little nutrients but lots of sugar & fat (which can make us tired). The best thing about eating healthy foods is that they taste good too!

Warm up before sporting activities Warming up is a simple and effective way to prevent sports injuries. It involves doing a series of exercises that gently prepare your body for the physical demands that sport will place on it. This helps reduce the risk of injury because muscles, joints and ligaments are warmed up and stretched out before they are used during sporting activities. Warming up is especially important if you haven't been active for some time or if the weather has been cold so far this winter (or summer). When warming up:

  • Stretch out all major muscle groups by holding each stretch for at least 10 seconds

  • Do some light aerobic exercise such as jogging in place or walking around slowly (for about five minutes)

Wear Protective gear Wearing protective gear is a great way to prevent injuries. When you are starting a new sport or activity, it is important to wear protective gear even if you don't think that you need it. For example, if you are going skiing for the first time, wear knee running support and wrist guards even though they may feel uncomfortable at first. There are many ways to prevent sport injuries. The best way is to start with the basics: stretching and warming up before exercise, wearing appropriate clothing and equipment for your sport, training regularly with a qualified coach or instructor who can help you improve technique safely. If you're still experiencing pain after trying these techniques, see your doctor for more information on how best to manage it!



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