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Pay attention to your knee when lifting weights


Your knee is an important and fragile part of your body. It's not just a joint that you use to walk up stairs. It also helps to support and protect other vital parts of your body, like the tendons in your legs. Your knee can be injured by lifting too much weight—even if you're used to doing heavy lifts at the gym! In this blog post, we'll talk about how you can protect your knees when lifting weights so that they last longer than ever before!

Your knee is fragile

Your knee is a complex joint that requires you to be careful with it. It's one of the most commonly injured joints in sports, and it can be damaged by overuse or injury. If you lift weights incorrectly, this could cause problems in your knee.

Importance of knee

The knee is a hinge joint that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone. The knee is made up of four bones: the femur, tibia and fibula on each side of your leg.

The largest joint in your body, it allows bending and straightening so you can move around easily.

How to protect your knee

To protect your knees, you should:

  • Stretch your knee before doing exercises.

  • Wear a compressa knee sleeve if you have any pain in the joint or want to prevent injuries.

  • Use low impact exercises like swimming and cycling instead of running on hard surfaces. This will reduce the stress on your knees which can lead to injury or arthritis later in life.

If you feel any pain in your knees while lifting weights, try resting them for a few days before continuing with any physical activity again

The knee is a very important part of the body, it helps us to walk and run with ease. But if you don't take care of your knees they can become weak and painful. If you want to protect your knees then make sure that when lifting weights or doing squats, you lift with both legs instead of one so that there is less pressure on one side at a time.



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